Battambang & Siem Reap

In 2018 we visited the school in Battambang again and were able to see the bathroom that we built! We were also able to purchase and distribute 200 new uniforms and backpacks for the students along with notebooks, pens, pencils and other supplies given to the teachers. We also provided the teachers with extra funds to buy supplies needed in the near future.

Along with the school projects we were fortunate enough to provide 75 water filtration systems and build 5 small wells for some deserving families. While visiting Siem Reap Monk Bann took us to an area where 10 families are in desperate need of a large well. We decided to build the well costing $1,800.00. This well will give peace of mind to the more than 10 families in the community and they will no longer have to travel by foot in the middle of the night to collect water from the local stream where the livestock bath.

Battambang Village School

We distributed 200 uniforms and backpacks to the students in a remote village outside Battambang. We also gave each student a notebook, pencil and pen. The teachers were given supplies and money to buy extra supplies.

Water Filtration

We were fortunate to raise enough money in 2018 to provide 75 water filtration systems. The Sawyer water filters were purchased through Waves for Water organization and the buckets were purchased at local Cambodian hardware stores. They were distributed to remote villagers in desperate need of clean water.

Sanitation for all Students

Happy to Help Cambodia partnered with other NGOs in 2018 to help rebuild the schoolhouse in Battambang. Our contribution to this large project was a two tall bathroom with hand washing station. In these remote villages female students often quit going to school once they start having there cycle because the lack of bathrooms causes issues with sanitation, safety and embarrassment. Now all students can benefit from the bathrooms built here.